Saturday, January 31, 2009

Excuse me for my misunderstanding...

My good friend, Tim, over at Deep Thoughts from a Shallow Mind, tells us today that he's been spending time with an un-named woman that he calls, "Mrs. A." Well, get a load of that! I don't know who she is, but I happen to know that Tim's married, not to Mrs. A, but to Cindy. And Cindy is so nice - this is bad, really too bad. It seems like being, "out this week," in the hospital with Mrs. A is a big deal. I think its' shameful. Here's what he writes:

I've been out this week with mrsa and I'm still in the hospital.
I promise to come back refreshed soon. There are some great things going on I am anxious to share them.
I do have one thought this week. Have you noticed that many times you can write something, a note, letter or poem and then have it completely misunderstood?
Yet we have people today that declare they can read a two thousand year old document that has been translated which is another word for interpreted, (like it or not) and tell us they understand it like God just told them himself?
I've been reading lots this week and one of the thoughts I am considering is when we place God in a religion, theory or theology we have severely diminished the mystery of God, the majesty of God and the ability of God to be seen as One for all.
There is a hell and it's name is religion.
Anyway, I'm just in the hospital reading and thinking.

UH-OH, I've been corrected - he has an infection referred to as Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus! I hear that is serious. They CALL it MRSA. Oh, I see. I am wrong. Please forgive me. Get well, Tim. I thought you were running around with another woman. Oh, I just misunderstood. Sorry.

And I found this photo on facebook. Here are Tim, Cindy, me and their daughter, Emily, at Seven Straight Nights for Equal Rights. Drop Tim a line over at Deep Thoughts - he's kinda sick.

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