Since starting this blog, I've come to be acqainted with some very good writers and bloggers, and I'm privileged to share an interview of one of these people, Adele Sakler. Adele's regular entries can be read here, at Existential Punk, and here, at Queermergent. I admit that I don't hold my own in debate settings, and so I look to others who do. Adele very clearly shares her search for God and her search to reconcile her sexual orientation in an interview with Mr. Kevin Davis, over at the third place
Kevin asks questions of Adele Sakler about being gay and Christian. His questions from fundamentalist Christianity are what many want to ask, but rarely are they as civil as Kevin, where he also is allowing and monitoring the comments. Kevin has the very "right" person to interview, and Adele's answers are open and honest. I want to say a "well done," to both Kevin and Adele. It's communication like this that, I hope, will help to bring more understanding between fundamentalist and more liberal Christians who accept that being gay is compatible with following Jesus.
THANK YOU for the shout out and your very kind and encouraging words! i think you are an incredible brave and beautiful woman who writes beautifully from her heart! Don't EVER short change yourself! You have a very unique voice and i hope we get to meet in person one day so i can give you a HUGE hug. i deeply admire you! Thank you for your love and support of our community! YOU RAWK!
Much Love and Respect,
Thanks for posting!
It's encouraging to see folks engaging in conversations that foster understanding and respect.
thank you for being such a wonderful ally, carol, and for posting such great links.
you're a true woman of God.
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