Monday, April 26, 2010

Ray's new CD: True - available on

Here is my non-veiled, blatant announcement of Ray Boltz's new CD. It is now on, and you can order it! It is downloadable - for only $8.99! TRUE by Ray Boltz

Go check it out, order it, and tell Ray how much you like it. (on Facebook, here: Ray Boltz Fan Club
or here: Ray Boltz


Steve said...

Hey Carol...

Thank you!

I have bought stuff online, but never bought music (the financial picture as been awful for a long time), but the combo of your your support and the title TRUE... who could resist, eh?

I feel drawn to you by the simplicity of your message, at all odds, acknowledging the complexity you've experienced, just like my ex-wife has, and yet that, 17 years after confessing, "I think I might be gay, but I'm not sure, and haven't acted on it," I have no relationship with my kids.

Oooops, I got distracted... It's not about my stuff, it's that I've been reading your blog for a while, and I'm musically inclined and yet not familiar with Ray's work, but even before hearing them, the song titles have me in tears.

Thank you.


Amy said...

The samples sound great! Looking forward to buying my copy!