Friday, July 2, 2010

I'm from Driftwood

Recently I mentioned that sharing your own story is important, and I found a site today (thanks, Matt Algren) that shares about a million personal coming out stories.  Okay, maybe not a million, but there are a lot.  Youtube alone has 61 uploaded stories for I'm from Driftwood.

I'm so glad the creator, Nathan Manske, is the self-proclaimed geek that he is, and seems to be quite a developer of his ideas.  The additional staffers are Rafi Mittlefehldt, Marquise Lee, and Jessie Tilton  Some of the stories are funny, some sad, and of course, from each person there is something that touches your soul.

When someone shares their own story, it provides value in many ways.  For one, there is nothing new under the sun, and so you find others who have been where you are, and there is shared understanding.  Two, as humans who seek to identify with others with whom we don't share a background, and it helps us empathize and understand.  As the stories are read or listened to, we gain common information that we would not have otherwise, and we grow.    

I hope the stories are read, watched, and understood.  Well done, Driftwood people. 


Doorman-Priest said...

Well done indeed.

Anonymous said...

My friend Misty, who follows you, just sent me your link. I haven't had time to read all your blog yet, but what I have read I am excited by.

I am the proud and loving Mom of a son who happens to be gay. I'm involved in PFLAG and always happy to meet others promoting and educating the world at large.

Bless you, Mari