Sunday, March 15, 2009

Bare to the Bone

Lately I haven't had much to say, so I'll put up a song.

This blog can get tedious if I try to write when I don't have something to say, and I don't want it to rule me, like the tail wagging the dog.

Thoughts go through my head, but some thoughts are too revealing, personally. Other thoughts seem to be someone else's story, and I don't want to share those. When I complain too much, it doesn't make a good entry. So I'll share this little clip from Carrie Newcomer. She's an Indiana artist with a smooth, low voice, and lyrics that knock me out. I thank God for beautiful music, wonderful artists, and I always love singer-songwriters.


Anonymous said...

I saw Carrie at an event with David Wilcox and Brian McLaren last winter in Asheville, NC. She was great!

brittanicals said...

Hi Carol!

I love it! Not exactly the same as Tracy Chapman or Natalie Merchant, but very similar in the true to the heart kind of sound.

Thanks for sharing this. Hope all is well.